Wonderful thoughts from Soph. I've bookmarked that zine too, excited to read the article they referenced!

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Thanks so much, Architectonic! 💜 The Zine is in French, I hope that’s accessible to you 🙂

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Oui - mais je pense que je vais apprendre des nouveaux mots, agrandir ma vocabulaire :)

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Dis-moi si tu n’arrives pas à commander le magazine, je peux t’envoyer des screenshots de l’article sur Queer Time. Mais le magazine entier est quand même super et ça vaut le coup de l’acheter!

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Soph, this is so profoundly beautiful! I didn't know that queer time was a thing, but it makes so much sense to me. Those years were taken from so many of us, and here we are, desperately trying to recover them in our own ways now. Queer time has saved so much of me, and I relish it.

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Thank you, Robin! Your kind words mean the world to me, my friend 💜

The French always have a theory for everything. Why not queer time? 😉

And thank you for always bringing the positive out in this sad world 🤗

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I'd heard of it but never heard it called "queer time" - now we know. :) Thanks Robin!

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Thanks Soph for this great essay. I never thought about queer time before and it makes so much sense, how much is stolen or misappropriated.

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Thank you for reading me, Donna 💜 I agree, I’m still grieving my many stolen years!

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I think about it a lot, time lost, relationships lost, because we couldn't be open. Thanks, Donna!!

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So much love for this notion of queering time! Thank you to Soph for writing such a resonant piece. As someone who didn't come out as queer until age 36 and almost a decade into a cis-het marriage, then took another 11 years to come out again as trans, I feel like my developmental clock is a good 20-30 years behind my biological clock (and who the hell knows how far off I am off the cis-het clock). I'm an anachronism through and through and proud of it. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Never too late to own it!

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Thank you for the kind words, Keith! I’m glad you are finding yourself, it is never too late 💜🙌🏻

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Never too late! Thanks Keith!!

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