Thank you for sharing, so moved.

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Thank you for the mention!

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What a beautiful meditation on finding hope and solidarity at a time of such devastating loss. There’s no other way to move through this world born of both light and dark.

Thank you, Robin and Troy, for sharing this with us today. 💜

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Wonderful tribute Troy and Robin. After getting married the day before, we woke up to the news of the Pulse shooting. I wrote this haiku in response:

Savage and brutal

attacks on Americans

won't stop Love. Ever.

We rise as One Voice

against senseless violence


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What a thing to have linked to your wedding day! Thanks for sharing your haiku Deb!

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Thank you Troy and Robin for sharing this excellent tribute. Reading essays like this offers hope and a light when times seem dark.

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I was also very moved by Robin's article, and it's an important reminder even in moments of celebration. Thanks Donna!!

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Thanks for publishing. And although it does remind us of grief, it's also a tribute to progress.

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