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Health | Healing | Wellness | Recovery
- “The Deep End is a place for exploring life’s raw truths, radical joys, and the moments that shape us. It’s about connection, embodied resilience, and daring to embrace transformation … Centering neuroqueer voices and radical transformation.”The Genderqueer Menopause Coach by
- “All things genderqueer and menopause related! Plus anything else I think belongs in the conversation. Subscribe now for access to gender-affirming menopause education, support, and resources.”In Media Rez by
- “Views from the intersections of Queer, Indigenous, and recovery identities.”by - ALLY. “A place to explore what it means to be you and make it lighter to live there. Ponderings on life when sometimes it feels hard to truly be yourself, understanding where we meet those around us and the wider world.”
Juhász’s Substack by Juhász Bence Psychologist - “A psychologist writing about anxiety, grief, and LGBTQ issues, and everything related to the psyche.”
meditations and musings by shannon | Shannon Grainne is an embodiment and liberation coach, supporting womxn to land and expand into the one perfect body they inhabit. By subscribing, you’ll get support for your own wellness, growth, and liberation—expect things to get fun and deep and weird!
is a woman who's got things to say about life, childhood, queer life, mental health, and recovery. “The Next Write Thing is about recovery. Recovery from eating disorders, recovery from depression and trauma. It’s about love and community. It’s about coming out in the 1970s and having a gay dad. It’s about the 12 Steps, one step at a time. About patience, honesty, and growth. About being human. About being alive. So, it's about almost everything.” and - “Build a life you don’t need a break from. From the creators of —coaching and consulting solutions helping people and workgroups overcome some of the most challenging aspects of change, shape new visions and goals, and maximize potential.”by
- “A healing arts newsletter (and miscellaneous updates) for The Atang from a hilot binabaylan and Chinese medicine practitioner.”The Queer Autistic Newsletter by
- “A newsletter about healing trauma & coming home to our queer and autistic selves from a queer autistic trauma coach who works with autistic & queer humans. Writing about trauma resolution, unmasking and queer & neurodivergent joy and pleasure.”Queerly Enlightened: Skye's Love Is a Practice |
is an award winning writer, actor & director as well as a yoga/movement/creativity teacher committed to peace and justice. Queerly Enlightened details spiritual, psychological and physical approaches to more connection, joy and ease in all your relationships—including with yourself! Also, it’s funny. Irreverent. So not perfect. Because joy means laughing. Accepting everything. And a belief in everyday happiness.Sober Gemini by
- “Sobering thoughts on addictive feelings from a a gay & sober essayist writing from Long Beach, California.”Spirit Connections with Jenna Newell Hiott |
’s message is that we are never alone, and we are profoundly loved by the spirits all around us. When the practicality of witchcraft meets the deep pondering of metaphysics, magical webs are woven together to create a unique and powerful force. Qstack deeply appreciates the kindness and support of Jenna’s partnership with our community. is a clinical psychologist, author, an expert in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and LGBTQ+ mental health, as well as a nature lover, meditator and spiritual seeker. In her Substack, she is writing “about the tough stuff, the self-disclosing stuff, the vulnerable and human stuff” in her journey to overcome fear, shame, and figure out a life worth living. says “exploring the world around the corner or many miles away begins with the first stroke of the pedal.” In his newsletter, he shares his passion for biking, and advocates for trails, cycling, and discovering the world, and also for people who might be seen as non-traditional cyclists, including queer and older enthusiasts. - “Lessons on Humanity They Didn't Teach me in Medical School. Thought-provoking essays, data-driven articles and sex-positive clinical education.”Unfixed |
is founder and director of Unfixed—a multi-media company that explores how adversity can broaden our definition of what it means to live a “good life.” “Our world needs more models for how to live a meaningful, unfixed life - a life liberated from fixed notions of how we must feel in order to live fully.” Kim is a great ally, patron and friend to the Qstack community.What the Snail Knows with
- “Queer trails through uncertain terrains: menstruation, peri/menopause, death, dying and other states of change.”Education | Science | Technology | Climate
The Alphabet People: The LGBTQs of Teaching Kindergarten by
- “An irreverent, serialized memoir about how to be an amazing queer Latino kindergarten teacher. Posting every hump day.”Furrow and Fire by Wendy DeGroat - “A poet and long-time teacher-librarian contemplates what to cultivate in her next chapter, musing about purpose, creativity, aging, wonder, fear, belonging, loss, gratitude, faith, nature, technology, money, & more.”